MATLAB: Does the requirement link highlight the entire Word document in Simulink Verification & Validation 3.5 (R2013a)

simulinkSimulink CheckSimulink Requirements

I am using Simulink Verification & Validation 3.5 (R2013a) to connect blocks in my Simulink model to textual requirements that I have in a Microsoft Word document. I have linked a Simulink block to a line of text in the Word document by highlighting the line in Word, right-clicking on the Simulink block, and going to Requirements->Add Link to Word Selection.
However, if I right-click on the block again, go to Requirements, and click on the link, this highlights the entire document instead of that one particular line. Why does this happen with Simulink Verification & Validation 3.5 (R2013a)?

Best Answer

Simulink Verification & Validation (VnV) 3.5 (R2013a) works by creating bookmarks in the Word document. Therefore, highlighting of the entire document can occur if you already have a bookmark to the entire document. Simulink VnV tries to minimize changes to a document, and so it will not create a new bookmark if the selection already belongs to a bookmark.
You can check your existing bookmarks in Microsoft Word by going to the Insert->Bookmark dialog, and using the "Go to" button on each item. If you remove the "global" bookmark in the Word document, you should be able to link the Simulink block to a particular line of text, as is expected behavior.