MATLAB: Does the PowerGui Block, in case of choosing the continuous solver method, solely use a variable-step Simulink solver even if the configuration for the global simulink solver is a fixed-step type


The question is referring to the following statement which is mentioned in the documentation for the PowerGui Block: "Continuous, which uses a variable-step solver from Simulink®"
My Model Configuration and Topology:
Global simulink solver: fixed-step ode14x
Two Model parts using one PowerGui Block each:
  • Discrete Referenced Model with fixed time step local Tustin/Backward Euler solver
  • Continuous Subsystem which uses (and this is the question
The Referenced Model and the subsystem exchange simulink signals and collectively represent the parent model.
Thanks in advance! Kind regards. Christian

Best Answer

Hi Christian,
From the link below, it is recommended that you implement fixed-step solvers by continuing to use a global variable-step solver and switching the physical networks within your model to local fixed-step solvers through each network.
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