MATLAB: Does the output of the Sine Wave block not match the equation specified in its mask in Simulink 6.0 (R14)


The following text is included in the mask of the Sine Wave block in Simulink 6.0 (R14):
Output a sine wave:
0(t) = Amp*Sin(2*pi*Freq*t+Phase) + Bias
However, the results that I obtain when using the Sine Wave block in my model do not match this equation.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Simulink 6.2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
There is a bug in Simulink 6.0 (R14) in the mask of the Sine Wave block. There are currently no known workarounds.
Note that the relevant text of Sine Wave block's mask should read as follows:
Output a sine wave:
0(t) = Amp*Sin(Freq*t+Phase) + Bias