MATLAB: Does the motor race when booting the target computer to which it is connected using xPC Target

analogbootelectric_motor_controlhardwareinitializationinitializeinstrumentsmotornationalnipci-6052epower_electronics_controlquadratureracerunSimulink Real-Timetargettransientxpc

I am using xPC Target to control hardware devices. My target computer is connected to boards that control an electric motor. When booting the target computer, the motor races out of control.

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
We have verified that information describing a user's responsibility when executing models with xPC Target is missing from the xPC Target documentation.
MathWorks does not manufacture hardware devices such as boards and motors that can be connected to a target PC. MathWorks only provides drivers that enable xPC Target to support the hardware listed at the following URL:
Consequently, the MathWorks products do not control initialization routines that hardware executes during the boot process. These initialization routines might cause potential problems, such as generating analog transients that cause electric motors to race.
You are responsible for taking necessary precautions and implementing safeguards when interfacing hardware with xPC Target. You are also solely responsible for the content of your models, which controls such hardware.