MATLAB: Does the model show a non zero voltage when I have the breakers open in SimPowerSystems 5.1 (R2009a)

Simscape Electrical

Refer to the attached model. Even though both breaker components are open there is a non-zero voltage reading on the scope.

Best Answer

The reason that there is a voltage across the lower branch of the circuit when both breakers are open is because the open breaker, in SimPowerSystems, is modeled as a very large resistance (not actually a true 'open' circuit).
By connecting the two breaker/ resistance pairs in series and opening both breakers you have effectively turned your circuit into a very large voltage divider. Where half of the input voltage appears across the lower branch, albeit with a very tiny current.
In a more realistic model you would probably have some kind of load attached to your system that would provide a path for the current when the breakers are open. In this case you should see a more acceptable voltage level on the scope. You can modify the example model to show this by adding a 1 Ohm resistor in parallel with the voltmeter.