MATLAB: Does the model not run on the target machine when I am using a Scramnet board to generate the interrupts in xPC Target 2.5 (R14)

freezeirqpciscramnetSimulink Real-Time

In the Configuration Parameters dialog for my model, under the xPC Target options in the Real-Time Workshop node, I have the I/O board generating the interrupt chosen as Scramnet_SC 150+ and I specify a Real Time Source to be a particular channel rather than the default timer. My model is successfully downloaded to the target PC, but I am unable to run my model on the target PC. Whenever there is a routine that initializes my Scramnet card, my target PC freezes.

Best Answer

This behavior occurs if the Scramnet board is not the only board at that interrupt. With the described configuration, the Scramnet board must be the only board at the specified interrupt. If you allow the PCI bus to automatically assign IRQs, several devices might try to share the IRQ with the Scramnet board.
To work around this issue, in the BIOS, manually assign IRQs for the other PCI devices. Reserve the particular IRQ for the Scramnet board.