MATLAB: Does the model created following the documentation not behave correctly in SimPowerSystems 5.3 (R2010b)

Simscape Electrical

I am following the section titled 'Building and Simulating the PWM Motor Drive' in the documentation and creating a model. I made sure all the parameters are specified as shown in the documentation. However the results are unexpected.

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 2011b (R2011b). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
This is an error within the documentation for SimPowerSystems 5.3 (R2010b) in the section 'Building and Simulating the PWM Motor Drive'.
While the instructions in the documentation would work in the previous releases (For example R2007b), it will not work in the latest release since the default values have been changed for the 'Asynchronous Machine SI Units' block. If you change the following parameters, it will give the same result as that of what is captured in the documentation:
Stator resistance and inductance[ Rs(ohm) Lls(H) ] : [1.115 0.005974]
Rotor resistance and inductance [ Rr'(ohm) Llr'(H) ] : [1.083 0.005974]
Mutual inductance Lm (H) : 0.2037
Inertia, friction factor, pole pairs : [ J(kg.m^2) F(N.m.s) p() ]: [ 0.02 0.005752 2 ]