MATLAB: Does the Model Coverage Tool in Simulink Verification and Validation 1.1.1 (R14SP3) reset the cumulative model coverage measure to zero

breaklooklook-upmarellipercentpointSimulink CheckSimulink Coverageslvnvupv&v

I am using the Model Coverage Tool in Simulink Verification and Validation 1.1.1 (R14SP3) to generate a model coverage report. I execute a script that repeatedly launches my model and occasionally alters its block parameters, such as the breakpoint data sets of Lookup Table (n-D) blocks.
When reviewing the coverage report that is updated after each simulation, I notice that the cumulative coverage measure increases; however, before reaching 100%, the cumulative coverage measure suddenly drops to 0%. I expect the cumulative coverage measure to grow monotonically after each simulation.

Best Answer

This is expected behavior when using the Model Coverage Tool in Simulink Verification and Validation.
The cumulative coverage measure is generally unaffected by changes in most block parameters. However, notable exceptions include changes to the breakpoint data sets of lookup table blocks (e.g., Lookup Table, Lookup Table (2-D), Lookup Table (n-D), etc.). That is, changing breakpoint data parameters associated with lookup table blocks causes the cumulative coverage measure to restart.