MATLAB: Does the Merge block accept frame-based inputs with different dimensions in Simulink 6.1 (R14SP1)


I have multiple frame-based signals with different dimensions that I would like to feed into the Merge block. However, when I do so, I receive the following error:
Cannot set port 1 of 'MergeTest/Merge' to have one dimension when this port is set to be frame-based. For a frame-based port, the number of dimensions should be greater than 1

Best Answer

We have verified that the documentation about using the Merge block with frame-based inputs is missing from Signal Processing Blockset 6.1 (R14SP1) manual.
The Merge block is designed to work primarily with one-dimensional signals. When "Allow unequal port width" is selected, all input signals must be one-dimensional. Frame-based signals are not one-dimensional and, therefore, will not work with the Merge block when "Allow unequal port width" is selected.
To work around this issue, all input signals must be of the same size and the "Allow unequal port width" option must be unselected. In this case, the Merge block will work with any signal type including frame-based signals.