MATLAB: Does the MATLAB Command History show the wrong time stamp when the locale is set to Australia/Sydney on the Windows 2000 machine


I have set my Windows Date/Time Properties to "(GMT+10:00) Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney" and turned on the "Automatically adjust for daylight savings" option. I have also set the default Windows system locale to "English (Australia)"
The Command History timestamp is showing a GMT date/time instead of the local AM/PM system shown in the help file illustration. I receive correct information from the DATESTR function in the Command Window, but the Command History stamp is GMT.

Best Answer

This appears to be an issue with the Windows 2000 Service Pack 3 Installer in the updating of time zone entries in the registry.
To work around this issue, switch to another time zone (such as Tokyo) and back to Sydney. This can be done using the Date/Time properties in the Windows Control Panel.