MATLAB: Does the log-normal distribution not fit the data

log normal distribitionlognfitlognpdfMATLAB

I am fitting some realively simple data with a log normal distribution.
I am then generating a probability distribution from that fit.
Shouldn't this roughly match the intial data?
when I plot it on top of normalized histogram of the data, the shape is appropriate but the scale is about ten-fold lower.
Example below.
parmat = lognfit(data)
pdf = lognpdf(0:1:1000,parmat(1),parmat(2))
figure;hold on
In this case shouldn't the probability density function approximate the histrogam, rather than being one tenth or less the values of the histogram probability?

Best Answer

Consider thisexample:
X = lognrnd(0,1,[1,1000]);
hold on
ezplot(@(x) lognpdf(x,0,1))
So the two plots seems scaled wrong.
But the histogram normlization chosen was one such that the sum of the bars is 1. Consider the choices given though.
ezplot(@(x) lognpdf(x,0,1))
hold on
You made what may have seemed a reasonable choice in your normailzation, but the wrong one in hindsight. Remember that a PDF does not contain actual probabilities, something that is a source of frequent consternation for some people when someone sees a PDF that returns numbers greater than 1.
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