MATLAB: Does the license manager quit with the error: “Vendor daemon died with status 240”


I can't seem to start up the license manager using the LMSTART script. The license manager log file shows:
19:06:28 (MLM) Vendor daemon can't talk to lmgrd (Cannot read data from license server (-16,287:9) Bad file number)
19:06:28 (lmgrd) Vendor daemon died with status 240
19:06:28 (lmgrd) Since this is an unknown status, lmgrd will
19:06:28 (lmgrd) attempt to re-start the vendor daemon.
How can I start the license manager?

Best Answer

This error can occur when the operating system running the license manager runs out of file descriptors. It is known to happen on Solaris and Linux systems.
On Solaris, this is a known bug in the Solaris operating system. It does not allow for more than 256 file descriptors. To workaround this issue, add the following line to the file: $MATLAB/etc/ (where $MATLAB is the installation folder on your machine)
ulimit -n 1024
This line can be added anywhere in the SOL2 section as long as it is not in the IF Statement. Once added, restart the license manager. The license manager should now be able to start successfully.
Similar ulimit statements can be used on other operating systems to expand the number of file descriptors available to the vendor daemon.