MATLAB: Does the LEVINSON function not require the auto-correlation value R(0) in Signal Processing Toolbox 6.9 (R2008a)

Signal Processing Toolbox

The "Algorithm" section of the documentation for the LEVINSON function says:
levinson solves the symmetric Toeplitz system of linear equations ...
where r = [r(1) ... r(n+1)] is the input auto-correlation vector
Clearly, the zeroth lag correlation value should be a part of the calculation, but it does not appear in the input vector "r".

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 2009b (R2009b). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
The documentation is using MATLAB-style indexing for the input auto-correlation vector "r", as "r(1)" actually refers to the first element of the auto-correlation vector "r", which is the zeroth lag correlation value.
This is further confirmed by typing
help levinson
at the MATLAB prompt, as the following text is displayed:
Input R is typically a vector of auto-correlation coefficients with lag 0 as the first element.