MATLAB: Does the input bus in a masked reference model seems to be empty

busmodel maskreference model

In the bus editor I defined a couple of busses.
case 1: In my parent model I refer to another model. The interface is defined by one of the above mentioned already defined busses. Using a bus selector I am able to use signals originating from the parent model in the referenced model. This works great!
case 2: In my parent model I refer two times to a single model. To be able to parameterize these referenced models I applied a mask to model. This works great! Now I am able to create two instances of the same model. However, the input bus which worked fine in case 1 now seems to be empty, even though this is not the case.
When I open the reference model (not an instance, but the source .slx file), the input bus indeed seems to be empty. Copying this reference model and removing the mask solves this problem. However, I need the mask to parameterize multiple instances.
What is going on? Why aren't busses recognized in masked models?

Best Answer

The solution was actually quite simple. For some reason Simulink does not recognize the bus until you build the model. Building the model solved my problem.
Why the model only needs to be build when it is masked and not when it is not masked is still not clear to me, but at least it works now.