MATLAB: Does the INDX_GROSS_DAILY_DIV field not work in the Datafeed Toolbox 1.7 (R14SP3)

datafeedDatafeed Toolboxindx_gross_daily_div

In Excel, this field gives the daily dividends of the SPX index. But in MATLAB the following error is obtained:
Error Messages: Error using ==> bloomberg.fetch>getfieldids
Invalid field - INDX_GROSS_DAILY_DIV

Best Answer

Bloomberg was recently updated to included this field in August 2005. The Datafeed Toolbox 1.7 (R14SP3) was released prior to this, so the bbfields.mat file in the
directory was created prior to this date.
($MATLABROOT is the directory where MATLAB is installed)
The bbfields.mat with the updated Bloomberg field list is attached below.
Copy this file to the directory: