MATLAB: Does the Image Acquisition Toolbox support any PCI-USB interfacing hardware

Image Acquisition Toolbox

I am attempting to interface a PCI frame grabber with the Image Acquisition Toolbox in order to acquire images. Since I intend to run this application on a laptop, I cannot install the frame grabber card on the machine. I would like to know if there are supported PCI-USB converters that are supported with the Image Acquisition Toolbox.

Best Answer

The Image Acquisition Toolbox has not been tested with any USB-PCI interfaces for frame grabbers (if such hardware does indeed exist) as of Image Acquisition Toolbox 3.1 (R2008a).
However, if such USB-PCI converters exist; whether your frame grabber still works after using such a converter would be completely dependent on whether the frame grabber manufacturer's driver still works with it. If the driver does work with it, and the frame grabber is supported by the Image Acquisition Toolbox, then you should be able to interface it with MATLAB.
We recommend that you contact the frame grabber's vendor to determine hardware that can be used to interface it with your laptop.
If you intend to use PCMCIA frame grabbers with the Image Acquisition Toolbox, you may find the Related Solution helpful.