MATLAB: Does the host stop receiving data when I use the RTDX program from CCS and a MATLAB script in Link for Code Composer Studio 1.3.1 (R14)

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If I run a RTDX program from CCS and a script in MATLAB the host never receives any data from the target. Subsequent RTDX applications behave the same way. Host receives data after CCS is closed and re-started.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
In the "Link for CCS" doc, go to "Outstanding Issues in Link for Code Composer Studio". Go to "Issues Using USB-Based RTDX Emulators and the C6416 DSK and C6713 DSK". Item #2 explains the problem and possible solution.
This problem arises when RTDX is not enabled at the proper time. When RTDX is not enable properly, data is not received by the host as expected. Refer to the following examples to understand the expected procedure for enabling RTDX:
1. The following example works properly to transfer data over RTDX:
<read data from RTDX channel>
In this case, RTDX is enabled before running the application. This is the recommended order.
2.The following example does not work:;
<read data from RTDX channel>
In this case, too much time passes before RTDX is enabled. As a result, data is not received by the host. This corrupts the state of the board. Subsequent RTDX applications will not run as expected. Rebooting the board will return RTDX to a good state.