MATLAB: Does the GPLOT function in MATLAB plot nodes in three-dimensions


The documentation for the GPLOT function specifies that the coordinates can be given as "an n-by-2 or an n-by-3 matrix, where n is the number of nodes and each coordinate pair or triple represents one node." However, if I provide an n-by-3 matrix, GPLOT only plots in two-dimensions.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This has been verified as an error within the documentation for the GPLOT function in MATLAB. Although GPLOT does accept an n-by-3 matrix (as is necessary for the BuckyBall example), it does not utilize this third column.
Currently, to workaround this issue, you can use the following code in place of a call to GPLOT:
[A, xy] = bucky;
[i, j] = find(triu(A));
X = permute(cat(3, xy(i, :),xy(j, :)), [3 1 2]);
plot3(X(:, :, 1), X(:, :, 2), X(:, :, 3))