MATLAB: Does the function DATCOMIMPORT drop the last case in the input file when using the Aerospace Toolbox 1.0 (R2006b)

Aerospace Toolbox

My input file contains three cases, the last of which is an empty stub. When I read the output file generated using DIGDAT.EXE, using DATCOMIMPORT
I get only the first case (1 x 1 cell array)
I expected DATCOMIMPORT to delete the third case and return a (1 x 2) cell array.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2007a (R2007a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
There is an omission from the MATLAB file help and the documentation for datcomimport in Aerospace Toolbox. Both are missing instructions on how to terminate the DATCOM input file.
To read a file that contains more than one case, DATCOMIMPORT drops the last case unless the input file used to drive digdat.exe ("Digital Datcom") contains a NEXT CASE directive in the last line followed by a newline command.