MATLAB: Does the export of a model from SerDes Designer App to Simulink fail

compilerDSP System Toolboxerrorexportfailurejavamingwserdes

I am trying to execute the PCIe4 Transmitter/Receiver IBIS-AMI Model example for the SerDes Toolbox:
However, when I try to export the model from the SerDes Designer App to Simulink, I get the following error:
Warning: Error occurred while executing the listener callback for event ItemPushed defined for class
Expected one output from a curly brace or dot indexing expression, but there were 0 results.
Error in serdes.internal.apps.serdesdesigner.TestbenchExport/exportSimulink
Error in serdes.internal.apps.serdesdesigner.Model/exportSimulinkAction
Error in serdes.internal.apps.serdesdesigner.Model/exportPopupActions
Error in serdes.internal.apps.serdesdesigner.Controller>@(h,e)exportPopupActions(obj.Model,items(i).Tag)
Error in matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.ListItem/ActionPerformedCallback (line 143)
Error in matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.base.Control>@(event,data)ActionPerformedCallback(this,event,data)
Error in matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.base.Action/PeerEventCallback (line 839)
this.notify('ActionPerformed', eventdata);
Error in matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.base.PeerInterface>@(event,data)PeerEventCallback(this,event,data)
Error in hgfeval (line 62)
Error in javaaddlistener>cbBridge (line 52)
hgfeval(response, java(o), e.JavaEvent)
Error in javaaddlistener>@(o,e)cbBridge(o,e,response) (line 47)
@(o,e) cbBridge(o,e,response));
> In matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.ListItem/ActionPerformedCallback (line 143)
In matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.base.Control>@(event,data)ActionPerformedCallback(this,event,data)
In matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.base.Action/PeerEventCallback (line 839)
In matlab.ui.internal.toolstrip.base.PeerInterface>@(event,data)PeerEventCallback(this,event,data)
In hgfeval (line 62)
In javaaddlistener>cbBridge (line 52)
In javaaddlistener>@(o,e)cbBridge(o,e,response) (line 47)
In fact, the error varies slightly every time I try to export.

Best Answer

The errors seem to be related to the fact that MATLAB is not able of finding a supported compiler to export the App to Simulink. To verify this, please check the output of the following command when executed in the MATLAB Command Window:
>> mex -setup -v
We recommend installing MinGW as default compiler. You can find information on how to install this on the following page: