MATLAB: Does the double-click fail to select a file on the Debian 4.0 Linux machine with MATLAB 7.4 (R2007a)

double clickMATLABuigetdiruigetfile

I have an issue when double-clicking on a directory name in UIGETDIR and UIGETFILE on a Debian 4.0 system. Instead of going into the directory, the double-click initiates a rename operation, which is usually triggered by two consecutive clicks (slower than double-clicking).
The MATLAB desktop file chooser does the same thing (Clicking on MATLAB File->Open will bring up a file chooser)

Best Answer

Java expects to find the double-click speed from your X resources. To accomplish this, perform the following steps:
1. Create or edit the .Xresources file in your home directory, and add this line to the file:
*.multiClickTime: 500
where 500 is the number of milliseconds for a double-click; for a slower double-click speed, choose a higher number.
2. Add the following line to your $home/.xinitrc file if it doesn't already exist:
xrdb -override ~/.Xresources
3. Restart your machine (or simply your window manager), then restart MATLAB. Confirm that the number you entered in the .Xresources file has taken effect by running the following:
>> java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit.getDesktopProperty('awt.multiClickInterval')
The result should be the number you chose, and double-clicking should be fixed.