MATLAB: Does the Data Acquisition Toolbox 2.6 (R14SP2) not recognize the WINSOUND adaptor when I am logged in without administrative privileges

Data Acquisition Toolbox

I am logged into my computer with regular User-level privileges. I create an ANALONGINPUT object using the WINSOUND adaptor:
ai = analoginput('winsound')
However, I receive the following error:
??? Error using ==> analoginput.analoginput
Error using ==> analoginput.analoginput
Error using ==> daqregister
Error using ==> daqregister
Register function failed.
When I execute DAQHWINFO to query for installed adaptors, I see that the WINSOUND adaptor is not installed.
ans =
ToolboxName: 'Data Acquisition Toolbox'
ToolboxVersion: '2.6 (R14SP2)'
MATLABVersion: '7.0.4 (R14SP2)'
InstalledAdaptors: {'parallel'}

Best Answer

This error is due to insufficient privileges; you cannot register this adaptor without Administrator access. A non-Administrator that tries to register the adaptor will receive the error message above.
To register the WINSOUND adaptor, first log into the computer with administrative privileges and execute the following commands:
cd toolbox\daq\daq\private
Then, log back into the machine as a User. The ANALOGINPUT object should now be created successfully.