MATLAB: Does the custom DRS get overwritten when I launch the verification from PolySpace Model Link TL 5.1 (R2008a)

(tl)linkmodelpolyspacePolyspace Model Link TLtargetlink

When I include a DRS file from the PolySpace Project Configuration block in Simulink, I see that it is being overwritten.

Best Answer

The ability to add a custom DRS file to a verification project from Simulink is not available in PolySpace Model Link TL 5.1 (R2008a).
As a workaround, you can use the PolySpaceForTargetLink.m file in attachment and follows the steps bellow:
1 Close MATLAB/Simulink
2. Backup the file %POLYSPACE_COMMON%\PolySpaceModelLink\PolySpaceForTargetLink.m
3. Copy new PolySpaceForTargetLink.m in %POLYSPACE_COMMON%\PolySpaceModelLink
4. Then, open again MATLAB/Simulink and set new preference using
setpref('PolySpace', 'CustomDRS', 'on')
The new preference is saved from one session to another. if a verification was never been launched from the selected block, It is necessary to do that one time.
5. Then, the content of the the DRS file inside the current directory can be updated with own data and if a relaunch occurs with the 'CustomDRS' pref set, PolySpace will not generate again the DRS file, taking into account the existing one by displaying a message like the following:
### Using Current DRS table".