MATLAB: Does the cursor change to a smiley face icon after I adjust the contrast of the image using the Image Tool in the Image Processing Toolbox 5.0.1 (R14SP1)

cursorImage Processing Toolboximtoolshape

The cursor changes to a smiley face icon when I perform the following steps:
1. Enter the following at the MATLAB command prompt:
2. Select "Tools -> Adjust Contrast" from the Image Tool menu bar.
3. In the Adjust Contrast tool, set the "Minimum Value" to 20, and "Maximum Value" to 200.
4. Exit the Adjust Contrast tool by selecting "File -> Close".
There is a related cursor issue when the Zoom button is used in conjunction with the Adjust Contrast tool in IMTOOL:.
1. Enter the following at the MATLAB command prompt:
2. Click on the zoom button.
3. Zoom in on an area of the image.
4. Click on zoom-in button again to deselect it
5. Select "Tools ->Adjust Contrast" from the Image Tool menu bar.
6. Close the "Adjust Contrast" window.
7. The zoom-in cursor is back, although it no longer works.

Best Answer

There is a bug in the Image Processing Toolbox 5.0.1 (R14SP1) when using the IMTOOL function.
To work around this issue and get the arrow cursor back after exiting the Adjust Contrast tool, select and then deselect either the Zoom In, Zoom Out, or Pan toolbar button.