MATLAB: Does the computer crash with a blue screen when stopping continuous acquisitions from a Measurement Computing 6000 series cards on a Pentium 4 with the Data Acquisition Toolbox

acquisitionbluecomputingcrashdaqdas-6036das6036dataData Acquisition Toolboxdeathmccmeasurementscreenstopaitoolbox

I am trying to perform continuous acquisition with a Measurement Computing 6000 series board and the Data Acquisition Toolbox. However, when I STOP the device, my system crashes with a blue screen.

Best Answer

This has been confirmed as a bug in the Measurement Computing Drivers when using Hyperthreaded (Pentium 4) machines.
Upgrading to the most recent version of Instacal will fix the problem. As an alternative, you can disable Hyperthreading in the BIOS of your computer.