MATLAB: Does the computer crash if I am using the Real-Time Windows Target and I have the board parameters incorrectly set

I have a model containing Real-Time Windows Target input and output blocks. If I have the 'board setup' auto-select option unchecked and the manual parameters set incorrectly, my computer sometimes crashes when I try to run the model in external mode.

Best Answer

Real-Time Windows Target product exhibits unpredictable behavior when we incorrectly override auto-detected board I/O address
If we override the auto-detected board I/O address in the Real-Time Windows Target board setup dialog, it allows us to enter any address, including I/O addresses used by the operating system. However, the Real-Time Windows Target software cannot verify these addresses. If we manually add an incorrect address, unpredictable results, including system crashes, will occur.
To work around this issue, we need to check the 'auto-select' option or make sure that the manually selected board parameters are correct before running the model in external mode. The Real-Time Windows Target software enables the address override to support only the use of multiple boards of the same type. This capability is not to be used otherwise.