MATLAB: Does the code inline an Embedded MATLAB function even when I include a function call to eml.inline(‘never’) in Real-Time Workshop 7.4 (R2009b)

simulink coder

I have written an Embedded MATLAB (EML) function
function y = noinline1(x)
assert(all(size(x) == [10,10]));
y = subfcn(x);
function y = subfcn(x)
y = x;
and then I compile the code using
emlc noinline1 -o noinline1x -report
Even though I specified it to not be inlined, it appears that it has been.

Best Answer

This is expected behavior for Real-Time Workshop 7.4 (R2009b).
The reason for this behavior is that subfunction was optimized out and the code was able to eliminate the function call.
Two possible optimizations which could have this effect include calls to the identity function, or calls to functions that always return the same constant value.