MATLAB: Does the cascade of a lowpass and a highpass Butterworth filter not produce the same results as a bandpass Butterworth filter in Signal Processing Toolbox 6.10 (R2008b)

bandpassbuttercombinationdifferentequalfilterhighpasslowpasssameSignal Processing Toolbox

I created a cascade of lowpass and highpass Butterworth filters and compared the result to a bandpass Butterworth filter – all created using either the Signal Processing Toolbox or the Filter Design Toolbox.
The following is an example of this process:
%%8th order bandpass filter
[b,a]=butter(4,[0.4 0.6],'bandpass');
%%Cascade of 4th order lowpass and highass filters
[b1,a1]=butter(4,0.6); % Lowpass
[b2,a2]=butter(4,0.4,'high'); % Highpass
I expected "Hcas" and "Hbp" to be equivalent filters. However, executing the following command shows that this is not true:

Best Answer

This is actually the expected result and is due to the fact that the Signal Processing Toolbox does not cascade a lowpass and a highpass filter to create a bandpass IIR filter. Instead, it first creates a lowpass prototype and then uses a "Transformation Function" to convert it to a bandpass filter as described by the following help documentation in Signal Processing Toolbox 6.10 (R2008b):
web([docroot '/toolbox/signal/f4-9099.html#f4-9199'])
For the theoretical background information, please refer to the references mentioned in the following help documentation:
web([docroot '/toolbox/signal/f4-19497.html'])
web([docroot '/toolbox/filterdesign/ug/f2-4793.html'])