MATLAB: Does the C2812speedcontrolDC demo issue warning when I try to build code for the demo

c2812f2812onprecisionsingleTarget Support Package TC2

When I try to build code for the demo c2812speedcontrolDC, I get the following warning messages:
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'proportionalGain'. The value you specifed cannot be represented exactly using the parameter's run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'c2812speedcontrolDC/Speed Correction/PID Controller'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'integralGain'. The value you specifed cannot be represented exactly using the parameter's run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'c2812speedcontrolDC/Speed Correction/PID Controller'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'correctionGain'. The value you specifed cannot be represented exactly using the parameter's run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'c2812speedcontrolDC/Speed Correction/PID Controller'.
Warning: Parameter precision loss occurred for 'derivativeGain'. The value you specifed cannot be represented exactly using the parameter's run-time data type. A small quantization error has occurred. You can control this diagnostic on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog. This originated from 'c2812speedcontrolDC/Speed Correction/PID Controller'.
I prevent the warning messages by choosing the option to turn off the warning messages but I would like to know what these messages specify.

Best Answer

This is an expected warning message. The C2812 Embedded Target can represent single precision values. Since the demo model specifies the double values as its inputs the target complains about its limitation to represent single values.
To work around this issue you can change this diagnostic from warning to none on the Diagnostics pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog.