MATLAB: Does the Azimuth pattern look wrong

Antenna Toolbox

My Azimuth plot is different depending on the elevation levels inputted. For example, if you execute the following lines, you see that the graph at elevation 0 is different for each.
d = dipole
patternAzimuth(d,70e6,[0 45])
Why is one a circle, while the other is a figure 8 when they should both be the same graph?

Best Answer

Both graphs represent the same data. What changed between the graphs is the axes.
In the figure 8 formation graph, the axes are such that the outer ring is 2.11 and the inner ring is 2.1. If this data was plotted on a normal polar plot, the data would look circular. If you look at each individual data point on both graphs, the data is the same, even though the shape of the graphs has changed.