MATLAB: Does the ActiveX control COMCTL.Tabstrip.1 report ClientLeft, ClientTop, etc. in strange coordinates in MATLAB 7.3 (R2006b)


I instantiate a Tabstrip control with one set of dimensions:
f = figure
h = actxcontrol('COMCTL.TabStrip.1',[10 20 100 200])
This reports the expected dimensions using some methods:
ans =
10 20 100 200
However, some of the ActiveX properties are considerably different:
ClientTop: 582
ClientLeft: 106
ClientHeight: 4604
ClientWidth: 2434

Best Answer

Many Microsoft ActiveX controls, including COMCTL.Tabstrip.1, use "twips" as the unit of measure. A twip is 1/20 of a point, or approximately 1/1440 of an inch.
Because of display resolution, there is not universal conversion between twips and pixels. If designing GUIDE interfaces that include these controls, setting the figure Units property to inches or points can simplify design.
For more information, consult the documentation on your ActiveX control. For example, Microsoft has instructions for converting twips to inches in Microsoft Access at the following page: