MATLAB: Does student version include SR_Control_Toolbox


I am receiving the error below when trying to use the tf function. I purchased the Student Edition and I was under the impression that my license would include those basic matlab functions.
Below is the error message I'm receiving.
Error using tf
License checkout failed.
License Manager Error -5
Cannot find a license for SR_Control_Toolbox.
Troubleshoot this issue by visiting:
Diagnostic Information:
Feature: SR_Control_Toolbox
License path:
Licensing error: -5,357.

Best Answer

Your R2015b Student Version may or may not have the Control System Toobox (which is a prerequisite for "tf" transfer functions. It really depends on what you have purchased. Can you provide the output of the "ver" command? It returns all installed toolboxes.
What puzzles me is the "SR_Control_Toolbox" name. To my best knowledge, this links to a product that is pretty old and not available for R2015b. Can you also share the return result for the command
which tf -all
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