MATLAB: Does starting the GUI created with GUIDE result in an endless loop


I created with GUIDE my GUI and when I start my GUI it results in an endless loop without opening the GUI Figure.
I have deleted some of the create functions in the automatically by GUIDE created m-function.

Best Answer

This is neither a bug in MATLAB nor in GUIDE.
After creating a GUI with GUIDE the create function of an object is saved in the created program file as well as in GUIDE itself. After deleting the functions in the program file, the create functions in GUIDE still are activated. This causes the endless loop.
To work around this issue, follow these steps:
1. Change the name of the GUI's program file.
2. Open the GUI figure in GUIDE (ignore all error messages in the MATLAB Command Window).
3. Delete the create functions of uicontrols in the property inspector.
4. Save the GUI in Guide and rename the program file.
5. Start the GUI.
Everything should work ok now.