MATLAB: Does starting MATLAB from the desktop shortcut or start menu fail saying MATLAB is not found


When trying to start MATLAB from the desktop icon or shortcut, or when going into my start menu, Windows says that matlab.exe cannot be found.

Best Answer

If the MATLAB shortcut or start menu entry that is created by the installer indicates that the matlab.exe cannot be found, antivirus may have quarantined or deleted the matlab.exe file. To find out for certain, open your antivirus software and check for any recent notifications or actions that your antivirus has taken on your computer.
You can also check to see if MATLAB will start if you find and execute the matlab.exe file directly. To find where your installation of MATLAB has the matlab.exe file, right click on the desktop shortuct or start menu icon and click on "properties". Check the 'target' field for the location of matlab.exe. Note that most MATLAB versions put the matlab.exe file in the bin folder where you chose to install MATLAB. Browse to this file and see if it is present. If it is, try double clciking on it. If it is not there or continues to say that the file is not found, then it is likely the file has been quaranteened or deleted by your anitvirus.
For further assistance on configuring your antivirus, contact your IT department or anitvirus manufacturer.