MATLAB: Does sqlwrite function not support BINARY_FLOAT and BINARY_DOUBLE datatypes provided by Oracle

binary_doublebinary_floatDatabase Toolboxsqlwrite

When sqlwrite function is used to insert BINARY_FLOAT or BINARY_DOUBLE datatypes as given in following code snippet
>>sqlquery = ['CREATE TABLE MyOracleTable(myBinaryFloatValue BINARY_FLOAT)'];
>>exec(conn,sqlquery); % "conn" is the Database Connection object
>>myMLTable = table(1,'VariableNames',{'myBinaryFloatValue'});
MATLAB throws following error:
Error using database.jdbc.connection/sqlwrite (line 172)
JDBC JDBC/ODBC Error: java.lang.Double cannot be cast to oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT.

Best Answer

Converting MATLAB numeric datatypes to BINARY_FLOAT or BINARY_DOUBLE is not currently supported by "sqlwrite", mainly because these data types are not part of the ANSI-supported SQL types.
As a workaround, directly convert the data to BINARY_FLOAT before passing it to "sqlwrite" as follows:
>>myMLTable = table([oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT(3);oracle.sql.BINARY_FLOAT(4)] ,'VariableNames',{'myBinaryFloatValue'});
>>sqlwrite(conn,'MyOracleTable',myMLTable );
Please note that for this workaround to work, the table 'MyOracleTable' should already exist in the database.