MATLAB: Does Simulink Verification and Validation fail to update the “Description” field on the Requirements dialog box when I specify a new location in the requirements document

doorsSimulink CheckSimulink Requirements

I am using the Requirements Management Interface (RMI) in Simulink Verification and Validation 2.0 (R2006b) to associate requirements with my models. In the Requirements dialog box, I perform the following steps:
1. Click the "New" button to add a new default requirement.
2. Click the "Browse" button next to the "Document type" field and then select my Microsoft Word document.
3. Click the "Document Index" tab to display a list of headings and bookmarks associated with my Microsoft Word document.
4. Select one of the headings from the list and then click the "Apply" button to define a particular location in my Microsoft Word document.
5. Click the "Requirements" tab to observe its settings.
Note that Simulink Verification and Validation automatically populates the "Description" and "Location" fields with the text of the heading that I selected. But suppose that I wish to change the location in my document to which this requirement links. If I continue to perform the following steps:
6. Click the "Document Index" tab to display a list of headings and bookmarks associated with my Microsoft Word document.
7. Select a different heading from the list and then click the "Apply" button.
8. Click the "Requirements" tab to observe its settings.
Simulink Verification and Validation updates the "Location" field appropriately, but it fails to update the "Description" field's text.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2011a (R2011a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The ability to update automatically the "Description" field on the Requirements dialog box after specifying a new location in the requirements document is not available in Simulink Verification and Validation 2.0 (R2006b).
To work around this issue, manually update the "Description" field by entering the text that describes the requirement in Simulink Verification and Validation.