MATLAB: Does Simulink crash when I try to add a connection that already exists in SimPowerSystems

addadd_lineconnectioncrashlinessimpowersystemsSimscape Electricalsimulink

If I have an "AC Voltage Source" and a "Parallel RLC Branch" in a model, when I run the following code, I get a connection lines betweenthese two blocks:
h_blk1 = get_param([gcs '/AC Voltage Source'], 'PortHandles');
h_blk2 = get_param([gcs '/Parallel RLC Branch'], 'PortHandles');
add_line(gcs, h_blk1.RConn(1), h_blk2.LConn(1), 'autorouting', 'on');
add_line(gcs, h_blk1.LConn(1), h_blk2.RConn(1), 'autorouting', 'on');
When I rerun the following:
add_line(gcs, h_blk1.RConn(1), h_blk2.LConn(1), 'autorouting', 'on');
MATLAB crashes

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 SP1 (R14SP1). For previous releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in SimPowerSystems in the way that ADD_LINE adds lines for connection lines.
To work around this issue, do not add a connection line when there is one.