MATLAB: Does SimMechanics crash when it is run on the Chinese or Korean version of Windows

1.0assertionchinesecrashkoreanr12.1simmechanicsSimscape Multibodywindows

Why does SimMechanics crash when it is run on the Chinese or Korean version of Windows?
When running the mech_dpend_trim.mdl Demo model in Simulink, I encounter Assertion errors similar to the following:
Warning: msb block (mask) does not have a parameter named 'on'.
Warning: msb block (mask) does not have a parameter named 'm'.
Warning: msb block (mask) does not have a parameter named 'off'.
Warning: msb block (mask) does not have a parameter named 'm'.
Physical Modeling Assertion
Assertion Failed status == 0 at line 145 of file "./memalloc.cpp".
Stack Trace:
[0] MECHANICAL.DLL:0x0ff7c519(0x0ffa6df8 "./memalloc.cpp", 145,
"status == 0", 0)
[1] MECHANICAL.DLL:0x0ff7777c(0x1876a320, 9, 0x0d8d5698
"ArcAccelerationUnits", 0x1876a320)
[2] MECHANICAL.DLL:0x0ff7a19b(0x0d8d5698 "ArcAccelerationUnits",
0x1876a320, 0x01eeaec8, 1)
[3] MECHANICAL.DLL:0x0ff7a24b(35, 0x18769b00, 0x01eeaec8, 0)
[4] MECHANICAL.DLL:0x0ff7a095(0x40000000, 0, 0xffffffff, 0x1875cf10)
[5] MECHANICAL.DLL:0x0ff71e42(0, 0, 0x0de80300, 0x18573800 "off")
Assertion detected at Fri Jan 18 15:49:20 2002
Assertion failed Forced Assertion: at line 295 of file "./compiler.cpp".
Physical Modeling Assertion
MATLAB Version: (R12.1)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 98
Window System: Version 4.10 (Build 2222: A )
Processor ID: x86 Family 6 Model 8 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine: Java 1.1.8 from Sun Microsystems Inc.
Stack Trace:
[0] MATLAB.EXE:_mnSignalHandler(0xffffffff, 0, 0, 1) + 499 bytes
[1] MATLAB.EXE:_ThrowAssertion(0x01eeac10, 0x01eeafd0, 0x65737341,
0x6f697472) + 167 bytes
[2] MATLAB.EXE:_MATLABAssertFcn(0x0ffa5110 " Forced Assertion: ",
0x0ffa5124 "./compiler.cpp", 295, 0x0ffa5134 "Physical Modeling
+ 131 bytes

Best Answer

This problem usually occurs when a person receives an old model with the new SimMechanics version on a Korean/Chinese machine. It has been fixed in SimMechanics 1.1 (R13).
The solution is to remove the unicode superscript 2 from the model and use the R13 version of SimMechanics. You will need to do BOTH to fix this problem.
You can update the model by following one of these steps:
- On Unix:
cat -v filename.mdl | sed s/M-2/^2/ > newfile.mdl
- On Unix, you can also try:
perl -i -p -e '$sq = chr(178);s/$sq/^2/' *.mdl
- Or edit the mdl file by hand
- You can also open up all of your joint sensors and actuators and bodies and hit OK in R13 and then save your model