MATLAB: Does SETUPZYNQHARDWARE timeout for a Zynq board in Embedded Coder 6.4 (R2013a)

Embedded Coder

I am using a ZC702 board in Windows 7 and I have installed the Zynq support packages. Moreover, I can see the USB to UART Bridge in "Devices and Printers" (as COM4) and the installed drivers are working properly. Furthermore, I can connect to the board's Linux command prompt using PuTTY.
Then, I execute these setup commands:
>> h = zynq;
>> h.setupZynqHardware();
However, SETUPZYNQHARDWARE throws the following error:
Connecting to ZC702 using serial port COM4...
Error using LinuxServices.setupZynqHardware (line 87)
The serial console timed out while waiting for a response from the board.
Check your serial connection and repeat this operation again.
Why can I not set up the board?

Best Answer

SETUPZYNQHARDWARE may time out for several reasons. First, double-check that the jumper settings on the board are properly configured. For example, if you are just starting out, it may be a good idea to verify that the jumper and switch settings match the defaults. For the Zynq ZC702 board, this can be found on page 10 of the Getting Started Guide:
For the ZC702, the image of switch SW16 may be a little difficult to see. In order to boot from the SD card, switches #3 and #4 on SW16 should be set to the "up" position, with the other three switches being "down". Further information can be found on the ZC702 User's Guide:
If you have verified that the jumper settings are correct, this error message may still occur because of the Sobel Application Demonstration that can be executed upon initialization. Specifically, the SD card of the ZYNQ board contains a script called "", which calls the "" script. The loading of "" or its required user interactions can cause the timeouts of SETUPZYNQHARDWARE.
To work around this issue, please follow these steps:
1) Open the board's Linux command prompt.
First, execute these commands:
>> h = zynq;
>> h.openShell('serial');
Next, follow steps 3-9 from this documentation link:
web([docroot '/ecoder/ug/opening-a-serial-command-line-session-with-your-xilinx_zynq-hardware.html'])
2) Edit "", and locate this command:
Next, either comment the command:
or execute it in the background:
./ &
Then, the "" script shall no longer block SETUPZYNQHARDWARE.