MATLAB: Does selecting “Ignore Discrete States” option make no difference in the resulting linearized model


I have a model with both discrete and continuous blocks and I am linearizing a part of this model. Selecting the linearization option "Ignore Discrete States" or unselecting it makes no difference on the resulting linearization. The documentation on this option indicates that the resulting linearized model should a continuous-time model if this option is checked. However, the linearization operation returns a discrete-time model even though I select this option.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2007b (R2007b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
Documentation on the "Ignore Discrete States" option is missing the information that the linearization sample time should be set to be continuous for the option to be effective.
If the linearization sample time is specified to be '-1' which makes the linearization inherit the sample time from the model, the resulting linearized model will be at the slowest common multiple of sample times in the linearization path. Therefore, a single block in the linearization path which does not have a continuous sample time makes the linearization result in a discrete-time model. The "Ignore Discrete States" option only ignores the discrete states when the linearization sample time is specified to be '0' which refers to a continuous sample time.