MATLAB: Does “rtwtypes.h” include complex number type definitions when the file is generated using Real-Time Workshop 6.1 (R14SP1) in the shared utility directory with ‘SupportComplex’ property turned off

complexdefinitiondirectoryfunctiongenerationrtwtypes.hsharedsimulink codersupportsupportcomplextypetypedefutility

When I disable the "SupportComplex" property for my model, I do not expect the generated file "rtwtypes.h" to include complex number type definitions. However, when I generate code, using Real-Time Workshop 6.1 (R14SP1), in the shared utility directory (slprj/ert/_sharedutils), the code includes complex number type definitions.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2007a (R2007a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that there is a bug in Real-Time Workshop 6.1 (R14SP1) in the way that Real-Time Workshop generates "rtwtypes.h" in the shared utility directory without complex number support.
To work around this issue,
1. Set the "Utility Function Generation" option on the Real-Time Workshop -> Interface pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box to "Auto."
2. Regenerate the code.