MATLAB: Does reversing an axis direction change shading properties

3d renderingleft-handed coordinate systemlighting

I am working on an interactive GUI. Part of the GUI contains an axis which is used render 3D objects. I need to use a left-handed coordinate system in this axis. Thus I run the line below to flip the z-axis
When I do this, the lighting of the object becomes very flat:
Compare this with the rendering before flipping the z-axis:
Anyone know why this would be? I much prefer the way the second (non-flipped) rendering looks. Any way to reproduce this 'shiny' look and still have a flipped z-axis?
Thanks, Justin

Best Answer

The position of the light changed with respect to its original z-axis position when you reversed the direction of the z axis. You will probably have to reposition it with respect to the reversed z axis to put it back where it was originally with respect to your viewing angle.