MATLAB: Does Real-Time Workshop crash when code generation is performed on block diagrams with multibyte characters

characterextendedjapanesereal timertwsimulink codertlcworkshop

Using multibyte characters (e.g., Japanese extended character set) in Simulink causes Real-Time Workshop to crash during code generation, or yields unexpected results.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This has been verified as a bug in Real-Time Workshop 5.1 (R13SP1) in the way that the TLC compiler handles multibyte characters.
Currently, you can download a revised version of a library file that fixes the problem. Here are the required steps:
1. Quit MATLAB
2. Rename the following file:
PC: $MATLAB/toolbox/rtw/rtw/tlc_new.dll
Linux: $MATLAB/toolbox/rtw/rtw/tlc_new.mexglx
(where $MATLAB = the MATLAB root directory on your machine)
Rename the file to [filename].old
3. Download one of the following files found as an attachment at the end of this article:
PC: tlc_new.dll
Linux: tlc_new.mexglx
and place it in the same directory mentioned in step 2.
4. Restart MATLAB
5. After restarting MATLAB, issue the following command at the MATLAB prompt:
rehash toolboxcache