MATLAB: Does R2010b installer take a very long time to start from the DVD on a Windows System


I start the installer on a Windows system. It begins extracting files and then it disappears. If I come back several minutes later, the installer finally starts. Why does it take so long to start?

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2011a (R2011a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This issue is a bug in the installer from the DVD for Windows. Due to the new installer for R2010b, the installer takes a long time to extract the files. During the extraction, the installer will not display any progress. If you wait long enough, the installer will appear. If you would like to have the installer start faster, use the installer from the downloads. If you have permission to download the software, you can do so from the website here:
Our development team has been notified of this issue.