MATLAB: Does mxDestroyArray() recursively de-allocate elements of structs and cells

MATLABmatlab enginemex

The question is in the title. Is is about the C matrix library interface.
To explain in more detail, suppose that I create a 1 by 1 cell using mxCreateCellArray(), then create a numeric matrix using mxCreateNumericArray() and set it as the only element of the cell. Now will calling mxDestroyArray() on the cell destroy the numeric array as well, in one go? Or do I need to call it separately for the elements of the cell, then just the cell? I am hoping for the latter, as this is more reasonable for complex manipulations.
The documentation is ambiguous on this point.

Best Answer

Yes, mxDestroyArray() recursively de-allocates elements of structs and cells. Otherwise you could observe a memory leak.
The documentation of mxDestroyArray explains clearly (e.g. in R2009a):
mxDestroyArray not only deallocates the memory occupied by the mxArray's characteristics fields [...], but also deallocates all the mxArray's associated data arrays, such as [...], fields of structure arrays, and cells of cell arrays.
And a small C-mex test function (call it test_mxDestroy.c and compile it):
#include "mex.h"
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
mxArray *C;
C = mxCreateCellMatrix(1, 1);
mxSetCell(C, 0, mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 1000000, mxREAL));
If the contents of the created cell is not freed implicitly, 8MB memory would be leaked in each call. Now inspect the operating systems memory manager while running:
for k = 1:1e6, test_mxDestroy; end
You will see, that the memory is not exhausted.
As James has explained already, your example does not crash accidentally only. When you try to use mat after mxDestroyArray(cell), you will encounter a crash soon. ATTENTION: Crashing the Matlab session can destroy data. So keep care, and even better keep a backup.