MATLAB: Does ModelSim crash when I use a 24-bit signal with the VHDL Cosimulation block in Link for ModelSim 1.2 (R14SP1)

blockclosedcosimulationcrashEDA Simulator Link MQforhanglinkmodelsimsimulinksocketvhdl

I have a Simulink model with multiple inputs to the VHDL Cosimulation block in it. I receive the following error message when I add an input signal and both Simulink and ModelSim crash. This issue is only reproducible with a 24-bit signal.
Error reported by S-function 'smtifli' in 'dsss_bpsk_system/VHDL Cosimulation': Socket Send Failed Sock Failure ID =10053 Software caused connection abort

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that there is a bug in Link for ModelSim 1.2(R14SP1) in the way that the VHDL Cosimulation block handles 24-bit signals. To work around this issue, try using a signal width other than 24-bit when working with the VHDL Cosimulation block.