MATLAB: Does MLint issue an inappropriate ‘might be growing inside a loop’ warning


The MLint shows a 'might be growing inside a loop' warning when a finite string is concatenated with each line of a file when a loop is used to access the file line by line.
For example, if you type in the following
function lint_2007jul18(fIn, fOut)
while true
tline = fgets(fIn);
if tline == -1, break; end
if ~isempty(strfind(tline,'skip'))
tline = [ '%<skip> ' tline ];
fwrite(fOut,'%s', tline);
MLint shows a warning 'might be growing inside a loop'.

Best Answer

This is a known issue. Mlint runs a test to see if the variable is growing but its result is not guaranteed, which is why the warning says 'might be growing', not 'is growing'.