MATLAB: Does mex -setup not list Intel Visual Fortran 10.1.19 compiler in MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a)


I have Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional edition installed on my machine and have Intel Visual Fortran 10.1.19 associated with it. When I type:
mex -setup
Microsoft Visual C++ compiler appears in the list but I do not see Intel Visual Fortan 10.1.19 listed. I checked the supported compilers webpage(Tech Note 1601) and this compiler seems to be supported in MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a).

Best Answer

Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional is required to use Intel Visual Fortan 10.1.
In this case, although Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional was installed, the Windows environment variable 'VS80COMNTOOLS' was not set appropriately to point to the correct directory. 'VS80COMNTOOLS' needs to point to the following directory:
where $VISUAL_STUDIO_ROOT is the directory where Microsoft Visual Studio is installed.
'VS80COMNTOOLS' environment variable is picked up by the following file:
located at:
where 'MATLABROOT' is the root directory where MATLAB is installed and can be found by typing:
at MATLAB command prompt.
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