MATLAB: Does MATLAB R2009b segmentation fault on startup on Solaris when LM_LICENSE_FILE is set


I have the LM_LICENSE_FILE variable set on my my Solaris machine. When I try to start MATLAB with this variable set, I get a segmentation fault. If I unset the variable, MATLAB works. How can I use LM_LICENSE_FILE with MATLAB R2009b on Solaris?

Best Answer

This issue may occur if you have LM_LICENSE_FILE set on the computer and the variable has incorrect syntax. For example, if you have several license servers, these should be separated by colons, not commas. For example:
If you have redundant license servers, these should be separated by commas. For example:
This can also happen if you have other special characters set in this variable. Once the variable has the correct syntax, MATLAB should start normally.