MATLAB: Does MATLAB exhibit a Segmentation Fault on startup after updating the Solaris machine


After applying the latest Solaris patch to my system, MATLAB crashes with a segmentation fault and core dump.

Best Answer

It is possible that some Solaris patches can cause a segmentation fault within MATLAB.
For Solaris 8 ,the only current workaround is to remove the offending vulnerability patch (Patch ID: 109147-39).
Note: Some users have been able to resolve this problem in Solaris 8 by upgrading to Patch ID: 109147-40.
For Solaris 9, this error is resolved by installing the patch (Patch ID: 112963-23).
For Solaris 10, this error is resolved by installing the patch (Patch ID: 117461-08).
Note: If the patch above does not work for Solaris 10, the only current workaround is to remove the offending vulnerability patch (Patch ID: 117461-04)
For all patches, consult with Sun's Support to download and install the OS updates.